Wednesday, November 07, 2007

How To Build A List Of Buyers.

This is actually easier to do than you think.The idea is to build a large list of people who are likely to buy from you in the future.One of the the main reasons that some people never buy anything online is because they don't have the means to do it.
A large percentage of people that join lists, aren't able to buy anything online because they don't have a Paypal account or are reluctant to use a credit card online. A lot of people are freebie seekers only, and have no intentions of ever buying anything.
To build a list of buyers, you need to prequalify them first.
How do you do this?...
By building a squeeze page with a difference.Don't build a squeeze page that asks for their email. Build a squeeze page with an offer to buy something for $1.and nothing else. It doesn't matter what it is, as long as it is not for free, because you are only interested in building a list of buyers.Once they have purchased the item, redirect them to a page to opt in to get the download. Just make sure that it is extremely good value and something that people will want.You will end up with a list of people that have an ability to buy things online.Not a list of freebie seekers.


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