Thursday, November 15, 2007

How To Create A High Value Product In No Time.

Today we're going to talk about one of the easiest ways that you can create a high-value product in no time at all.

Lots of marketers use this technique to create all kinds of products including lead generators, mid-priced products, to big ticket home study courses.

Want to know what it is?

It's simple really.....

Doing interviews.

The process is so easy. You just interview an expert in your niche, and record it. Then sell it, or give it away. All you need is two people, a telephone and a way to record the conversation. That's it!

Interviews and teleseminars are very cheap to put together..
The main benefit with this technique is that the product is created instantly. As soon as you have finished the recording, you've got a product.

And THE BIGGEST reason to use interviews, especially for new marketers... CREDIBILITY BY ASSOCIATION.

This is a major benefit for new marketers!

By simply interviewing an expert, you raise yourself one level in the eyes of you target audience. You are almost seen as an expert yourself. In fact, do enough interviews and you will be seen as an expert in your markets eyes.

If you can use the telephone...

If you know enough about your niche to ask intelligent questions...

You can create high-value information products with ease.

What are you waiting for!?



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