Saturday, November 25, 2006

Do Internet Marketers Have It All Wrong?

In these days of ultra fast communication and technology, it seems that internet marketers may have missed a few things of vital importance.
People are in a rush and want their information quicker than before, they don’t want to have to listen to, or read a whole lot of fluff about a product that they may be interested in. People want to know how much the product is, what it does, how to use it correctly, if there is a money back guarantee and not much else.
Some marketers have taken it upon themselves to create sales pages of gargantuan proportions, believing that more is better. How many people really care about ten or twelve testimonials from other successful affiliate marketers?
Does having a testimonial from a rich and famous marketer or ten guarantee that the product is any good? Are the marketers in these testimonials only appearing on the sales page out of vanity or just to have their links included on the sale page? Some of these may be in a joint venture with the owner of the new product being promoted. Is this the only yardstick we have to determine the value of the product?
Does it give the notion of more value if it is backed by a well known marketer? Some marketers promoting a new product are already well established in their niche and don’t need too much of a testimonial from anybody else.
Some marketers will tell you that research shows that a longer sales page converts better, but after viewing a handful of these drawn out sales pages you tend to skim through the majority of the page looking for the important details. I mean who cares how much money the marketer made in the last month .Some of these figures are probably made up anyway.
Another annoying trend is to have a pop up form appear ,asking if you would like a free course, or to join their newsletter, which is fine but it obliterates the web page underneath until you close it. Who is going to join a news letter or a course when you haven’t had a chance to even see what the website underneath has to offer? Countless times I have gone to a website, on someone’s recommendation and before I have even had a chance to read the details on the page, a popup appears, it drives me crazy!
One more final thought is that a lot of websites out there have broken links and terrible spelling mistakes in their copy, there is nothing more unprofessional than bad spelling, isn’t that what spell check is for?
I am an internet marketer myself, but I am also a customer.
I know that almost all of the complaints that I have made in this article are actually internet marketing tools that we all use to sell or promote our products, but in order to become more efficient marketers we need to be constantly moving forward with new ideas and take a good look at how we are perceived by the public.

Brett Carroll
This article is the copyright of Brett Carroll but it can be used
for your own resources as long as the links remain untouched.

Marketing And Blogs

Marketers love blogs because they are easy to create and with their ability to publish links they are an easy alternative to having a paid website with all of the costs that they incur.
With constantly changing content, outgoing links and no distracting "flash graphics"they are loved by search engines. Smart marketers use RSS to announce any updates to their posts.This way they can avoid all the problemsthat email marketers have with spam filters. Almost 40% of emails never get delivered, but you wont have these problems with a blog using RSS. It is no wonder that internet marketers have taken blogs into their hearts. If you place some affiliate links and some adsense ads onto your blog you can make some serious money. Targeted traffic is the most effective way to generate serious income. The best way to get targeted traffic to your blog is through article marketing. It is very important to focus on getting targeted traffic to your blog. The more targeted you traffic is, the more money you will make. The reason for this is that traffic that is highly targeted will probably be more likely to click on your affiliate links and adsense ads more often. This will put more money in your pockets. If you write a couple of articles and you leave a link to your blog you will not only increase your traffic but you will end up with highly targeted prospects ready to spend. Are you blogging yet?

Brett Carroll
This article is the copyright of Brett Carroll and can be
used for your own resources as long as the links remain untouched.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Instant Buzz Mastery: Secrets the Pros Use to Drive Profits Through the Roof with Instant Buzz

People frequently ask me "How do I get more traffic to my web site." This is the question that is answered by the Instant Buzz eBook, "Instant Buzz Mastery". Not only do they tell you how to get more traffic to yourweb site, but they teach you to use a tool that attracts targetted buyers and not just window shoppers.
This book is useful for both novices and experts alike.They go from the basics of how to use the tool and create your ads, to in depth interviews with 3 Instant Buzzexperts who provide a ton of free tips and even some sample ads you can reuse.
Best of all the Instant Buzz eBook is a free download.
When you confirm your membership you might want to take advantage of the special offer for only $9.95as they'll also provide you a list of 15 of the bestfree advertising resources, money can't buy.