Sunday, October 14, 2007

Interview With Michael Cheney From Adsense Videos

Q. So what madeyou get started with AdSense?

A. Iwas looking for a way to monetize some of my websites. AdSenseis such an easy thing to get started with the eye for it wouldbe a great way to start earning more money without actually puttinginto much more effort. I think as soon as you see the first earningscoming into your account you get addicted to AdSense. I know iswhat happened to me and since then I've just spent time workingout how to earn more and more each day.

Q. How much doyou make with AdSense?

A. Some days I can earnclose to $1000 and others it's less than that. But it all comesdown to how much time and effort you devote to creating a qualitysite that people like visiting. AdSense is not what my businessis based on by any means - but it is a great way to earn revenuealmost on autopilot.

Q. What is thebiggest mistake people making with AdSense?

A. Probablythe biggest mistake people make is thinking the AdSense earningsare easy to achieve. It is very easy to get started but as I learnedit takes a lot of effort to increase your earnings. I got reallydownhearted whenever I would log in to my account to see thatI had only made a few dollars. And that's when I decided to spendmonths and months of my time learning everything I could aboutAdSense.

I basically buried myselfaway and devoured every single piece of AdSense information Icould find. I ran thousands of AdSense tests and started to seea dramatic effect on my click through ratio and therefore on myearnings.

This is why I'd decidedto record the videos - because I knew that it would help peoplewho were in my position to also increase their earnings. I'veread an absolute ton of AdSense e-book's but they take so longto go through and always seem to keep information back.

With AdSense Videos Iknew that I had to tell the story exactly as it is and actuallyshow people and lead them by the hand through the exact techniquesthat I use to generate large earnings from AdSense.

Q. In your videosyou show people how to increase their AdSense earnings - can yougive us a taster of this advice?

A. Idon't want to give away my biggest secrets as you can understand!But some of the more basic things that you can do to increaseyour revenues include using ads that blend in rather than standout from your content. Flat out the worst thing you can do withan AdSense ad is make it look like the standard Google ad. Whatyou need to realise is that you will get more clicks if your adactually appears part of your site rather than something that'sjust been dropped into the page.

Q. What wouldyou recommend that someone do right now to increase their AdSenseearnings?

A. I'vecreated a totally free AdSense minicourse that people can go throughto learn some of my techniques. It takes you through the fourcornerstone principles that I've used to build up my AdSense empire.You can check it out, as well as all the AdSense Videos, here:

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Do I Need A Website To Make Money On The Internet?

Technically, no you do not but I would not advise taking this route. If you are serious about making money on the Internet then you need your own website.

If you’re not sure just yet exactly what it is you will be selling or what you will have on your website don’t worry. This will come in time.

For now though, if you haven’t already done it I strongly recommend you go and buy if it is still available;

If you find is NOT available try some of these alternatives instead;

Since web pages are where all the business is done online then you will need to get your own eventually and also learn how they are put together and how they work. You don’t need to know EVERYTHING about a web page – just enough to get by.

Just think of it this way – if you were selling shoes on the high street then you would need to know a little bit about shelves right because that’s where the shoes are located. Now you wouldn’t need to know EVERYTHING about shelves but you would need to know enough to recognize if the shelves are working properly and which shelves look good right?

Q. Do I need to know how to build a website to make money on the Internet?

A. You need to have a base level of understanding about how web pages are put together, yes. You could possibly scrape by without this but let’s face it – this is your business right?

This is a long-term financial future for you and your family so why would you want to cut corners and not spend some time learning about the basic building blocks of the Internet?!

Now it can be daunting when you first start out which is why I suggest you take the time to get the basics right. The Internet is a great place to find free tutorials on website building and HTML (the raw ‘code’ or building blocks of the Internet) but too much information can be bad for you.

For this reason I recommend you get a book from your local bookstore or a magazine, you’ll find a TON of them with titles like “Learn HTML in 7 Days” or “Build Your Website in 24 Hours” etc.

Now you COULD find this information on the Internet no problem. But the issue here is that you will get distracted with so many wrong turnings a=and options whereas with a physical book or magazine you just work through it from beginning to end until you are done and that’s it.

This is YOUR FUTURE we’re talking about so don’t miss out on this step. Don’t be the one who looks back months from now wondering why they never made it – you NEED to have this basic grasp of web pages in place if you are going to succeed.

Do no cheat yourself out of this.

Q. Should I start by selling other people’s products or should I create my own?

A. As with all these questions – there are multiple possible answers! I recommend you start by promoting other people’s.

Why? Because it’s quicker and you can tap into their existing network of contacts, their existing products and their knowledge.

Now I’m not recommending that you reverse-engineer any products but by promoting other people’s (i.e. becoming their AFFILIATE) you will learn by association.

You will discover the techniques they use to;

• Sell their product from their homepage

• Get traffic to their site

• Recruit affiliates

• Pay affiliates

• Make the product enticing

• Make their website stand out from the crowd

• Market themselves online

Even if you NEVER make a single sale for the people whose product you promote first online this will be a MASSIVE free education for you in online marketing. You will then be able to use everything you learn later on when you do finally develop your own products.

The other benefit to becoming an AFFILIATE first and promoting other peoples’ products is that there is a lot less to worry about. You just need your unique link that you direct visitors to and the product owner will do the rest.

They take care of selling and delivering the product. They will take care of any customer support issues and refunds or questions. All you do is keep sending them targeted traffic and collecting the checks!

Q. What are the different ways I can make money on the Internet?

A. In a nutshell here are your options;

• You can sell your own product

• You can promote other peoples’ products

• You can get paid to show adverts on your site

There are literally thousands of ways to make money on the Internet but the three most popular ones are listed above. There is no right or wrong way. Some highly successful marketers have become specialists at just ONE of the ways.

Other highly successful marketers choose to make money from all three ways.

My advice to you on this is to stick to what you know, what you enjoy best or what suits your personality and strengths best and start out with just ONE channel.

If you start out trying to do too many things at once you will end up getting overwhelmed and never becoming proficient at any of them. If, however, you just stick to ONE WAY at the beginning and invest all your time and effort into mastering that one way then you can branch out into the other areas later and build on your success.

Q. Is there really money to be made on the Internet?

A. Oh yes! Millions of dollars. Seriously, there is so much money out there you would not believe it. New marketers are coming online every week and PULLING TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS out of different marketplaces.

You need to get the idea of abundance INTO your head and any thoughts of scarcity OUT of your head.

The time is now. More and more people are coming online. More homes are getting connected with broadband. Every year sees more billions being spent online and the previous year’s records smashed.

Do not let anyone tell you that this ship has sailed. The Internet opportunity is alive and well as I, and many other marketers like me, are testament to.

This is an article by Michael Cheney.
Check out his blog at